
I cannot thank you enough for telling me about Cluttering. After days of research online (including reading all 700+ messages on a Yahoo forum about Cluttering!), I am 99% sure this is what my son has! I had a long chat with his teacher yesterday where I went down the list of symptoms he matches, with examples, and she concurred with every one and had examples of her own. She was as astonished as I was to put a name to what he does. She is going to pay closer attention to his speech at school to give more examples to the speech therapist.

Last night I paid very close attention to exactly how my son talked, and discretely wrote down what he said, word for word, including stumbles, pauses, interjections, repeated words, etc. I was actually shocked at how much it occurred--really more than I thought! I guess I am used to the way he speaks so don't always notice it.

Then I had a loooong talk with the school speech therapist this afternoon and she also agreed that it sounds like Cluttering. She is familiar with it but said she has never treated a Clutterer; however, she assured me she has many resources available to learn how to treat it, if indeed this is what he has. She was very interested in the information and resources I found, plus the samples of DS8's speech I've written down. I am emailing all of it to her. She is hoping to do the evaluation by the end of this week. I think she'll be wonderful to work with.

I will write more later, but just wanted you to know. And again, Thank You!
