Big change this year. DS started high school. Interesting how, in grade school, kids are limited to their grade, and even the gifted replacement LA and math are by grade. In high school, there is more flexibility of placement, by grade and level, mainly in the social studies and various arts, but even in honors science and math DS found himself with sophomores and juniors. He felt a little intimidated at first, but had some buddies in there as well, and the teachers had fun with him, letting him run with ideas, and I hear it kept the classes interesting.

He had a new experience with a "flipped" math class, where you watch the teacher-produced lecture at home online, then do work in class. He liked it, because he got to spend class time DOING math, and could ask all the questions he wanted, work collaboratively, and delve into it more.

He participated in school sports for the first time, again, mixed ages, great group of boys. He is motivated in music now, because you get to play with better players only if you advance, and you have to work and show commitment to advance. Funny how that works! Now he practices, and even consented to private lessons instead of sectional play, and he has improved dramatically (except that now we need to find him a "move-up" instrument $$). He continues to participate in theater, great friends boys, girls, all ages.

Still dealing with executive function issues, but in general he has blossomed. In high school they are encouraged to question, explore, and grow. Why can't middle school, or grade school, be like that? There is at least as big a difference between a 14 and 18yr olds as between 7 and 11yr olds.