I think it has been pretty much a waste of a year for DD. She maybe learned some new spelling words? And she has picked up some really bad habits, like fighting us on homework or lying about it. She hates the work that the teacher makes her do. We jumped thru the hoops needed for her to go to the gifted magnet in the fall for 4th grade so there will be a lot of (hopefully) good changes.

DS (first grade) had a very rocky first half of the year. He was "happy", at least in terms of demeanor, because he had his very best friend in his class with him. But he regressed very badly in terms of his writing and other skills because the teacher had no expectations and did not work with him. She had no interest in giving him work at the right level and actively fought us. It didn't matter how nice or reasonable we tried to be, she viewed me as a tiger mom and was going to do her best to make sure DS was not pushed in any way at all. That meant that he decided he was "done" and wasn't even going to bother with first grade work, much less harder work. What I have learned is that sometimes advocating is simply not going to work. If there is a teacher with an "attitude" they are not going to do what is right no matter what approach you might take. Rather than keep banging your head on a wall, figure out if there is an "out" sooner rather than later.

I pulled him out of school and transferred him to a different district school, and the new teacher was appalled by his journals from the other school. She said that it would need to be dealt with immediately. The very next day he brought home writing that looked "normal" and it has gotten even better with time. He went from scribbles to writing on the lines with periods and spaces in just a couple days. Amazing! She did thorough testing on him and gave him work the right level, some of it 4 grade levels ahead. DS had to fill out a worksheet stating what kinds of things he is proud of, and he is clearly proud of his improvement in writing, and how advanced he is with math and the "hard books" he reads now. So what "worked" was moving DS, and asking our allies in administration for help who made sure he had a good IEP manager and teacher. But a lot of it was luck. We didn't know if we would be walking from a bad situation into a worse one. Luckily DS is laid back and the school change didn't bother him at all. I'm sure his old teacher thought I was a horrible mother for switching schools mid-year, but I know my DS and knew he would be fine.

Should be interesting to see what the next year brings.... I am still waiting to hear about open enrollment and waiting lists.