Thank you indigo.

The reason why testing was prompted was because I was tired of receiving notes from the teachers of him being unfocused, distracted and not finishing his work. Last year's teacher was worried about ADHD and vision problems (both negative). This year's teacher complains daily about his handwriting and not using capitalization, periods, wordsstucktogether, etc.

In all honesty, with his GAI scores, I was expecting higher achievement scores. If they had been higher, I would have requested some sort of acceleration to see if perhaps he was just bored in class.

With these scores, I'm unsure. I don't know a ton about WJIII scoring, but most of the comments I've read in this forum have scores that are just so much higher... Is acceleration in certain subjects a bad idea?

For me, school was always SO EASY, no studying was ever necessary and getting all As was a given. For DS8, when he looks at it, material seems easy, but all those complaints from the teachers are just worrying me- what if school ends up being too hard?