master_of_none thank you for the links. You may have provided me with them before, but I read them tonight and they are extremely helpful. Spot on. Thank you!

polarbear - DD has not had any other testing yet, but we are about to request more, so suggestions are welcome and timely. DD swaps her d's and b's pretty consistently. Although I'm a trained observer of things, I'm not sure what to look for in handwriting or written expression. DD's written expression is extremely limited at this point - her tested advised keyboarding ASAP. DD's teacher only provided some of the DIEBELS scores, not all, and when I shared them with our ped he said the scores did not suggest a vision issue. However, the teacher suspects a vision issue and we will test her vision. Thanks for your fine thoughts!

sallymom - DD definitely has fine motor skill deficits. She can concentrate quite well after a long time of being jittery and jumpy - then she has laser focus and attends to her handwriting like it's an artistic endeavor. At that point, her handwriting looks like that of a high schooler. But handwriting as a mode of communication is just not available to her yet - her brain works at a speed vastly different than her hands. This is why the tester suggested keyboarding classes ASAP, I think.

Thank you all!