DeeDee - you make me blush smile

seablue, I'm working this afternoon so won't have time to reply until this weekend, but I have a few quick questions for you that will help -

What testing has your dd had other than the WISC and Diebels? Has she had any achievement testing or neuropsych testing (things such as visual-motor integration tests etc)? You'll most likely need to seek out additional testing to determine if the root cause of dysgraphia is fine motor or visual-motor.

Have you noticed issues with your dd's handwriting or written expression, and if you have, can you tell us what you've observed (and what the tester observed, if anything)?

Have you seen your dd's Diebels scores, and are the subtest scores all below benchmark or just some of them?

I will also second geofizz that you may want to look further into reading issues. My guess (and this is a TOTAL pulled out of the air guess!).. but fwiw... the combination of potential dysgraphia and lower-than-expected reading tests may to point to a possible issue with vision.

I'll be back later this weekend when I have time to actually reply with something meaningful -
