Originally Posted by JAH823
Be prepared for them not know how to proceed with your DD

Yes, I'm getting that response more than any other. My DD9 (age-wise a 3rd grader, but skipped so is a 4th grader) has a composite score of 21 from this year's test, and no one that I've talked to has much to suggest to me (other than extracurricular enrichment, yada yada yada), even the school district office. I shared results with her teacher who said, "What are you going to do?" (Uh, I was hoping you'd have ideas??) I will sign her up for a summer camp associated with our local talent search (WATS) and hope that she enjoys it (fingers crossed).

I don't have an IQ number for her, so will be needing to put together a portfolio for the DYS application, and really don't know what to put in that. Does it all have to be recent, or can it be from when she was a lot younger? Her TAG advisor gave me a set of problems from a previous Noetic Math competition, so I could have her fill that out and see how she does. (Looks like those can be purchased if you google "noetic learning") She's working on a song parody so maybe I can record that when she's done. Do STAR reading reports showing her advanced reading level count as a good piece to include in her portfolio?

When I talked with an admin at the school district office for TAG, she knew of DYS but didn't know of many DYS kids in our district, just a few here and there. So I don't even know that if DD9 is accepted as a DYS, if that would do us any good at all if there's little or no knowledge of what that means.