Experienced, yes.

We just muddled through it. DD11 would beat herself up over the inability to communicate and so we had to constantly reassure her that it was ok, and give her extra time. She is very visual and slow to process/put concepts to words in general.

One pitfall to watch out for: she spent several years angry at me for not reading her mind. Apparently I had been able to follow what she couldn't quite articulate up through age 7-8, so when her thoughts got deeper and more original and I couldn't follow them anymore without adequate language, she thought I was being deliberately obtuse. Now she just seems to feel isolated. A year ago she had given up on communicating much of import; now she's trying a little again, but without much hope. (This only seems to affect things she cares deeply about; everyday information and play are unaffected, but emotions and math and birdwatching all can be. I think she cares more about communicating precisely in those areas.)