Originally Posted by bianc850a
Originally Posted by Kristo
I read somewhere that kids who behave at school, with the sitter, etc. but not with parents are just letting go where it's safe to let go. They save it all up for the people who love them because they know it's safe with their parents to let it out. It's a sign that they know they're loved. An annoying sign, certainly, but ultimately a good sign.

My daughter must know that I love her a lot, because I am the only one she ever throws tantrums with!! smirk Have to admit though that she is perfectly well behaved 99.9% of the time even with me.

I'm voting along this line of thought.

It goes for adults also, when you think about it, I would hope that we are better behaved 'in public' than we are with our spouses and children.

One of the most disturbing things about DS11's elementary years is that he was well behaved at home and 'in trouble' at school!

Of course at school he clearly was manipulating and testing limits. 2nd grade teacher, with 20 years experience, told me that she would send him to his seat when he could no longer sit quietly with hands to himself 'for 5 minutes.' But she admitted that after a minute or two she would call him back to the group, because she couldn't stand for him to miss circle time. ((eye rolling)) DS was so litteral back then - I'm sure he thought of it as a victory.


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