Originally Posted by Pemberley
How is he at self advocating? My DD is very assertive and is willing to report things like this. Not all kids are. Maybe he needs some kind of safety code he can use if he won't speak up. For a while in first grade with the awesome teacher we gave DD a sign shaped like an ear. She would place it on her desk if she had something she wanted to tell the teacher - good or bad. I wonder of something like that might help?

Not so good. He ignores and/or gives up. But he doesn't fight back yet. Too scared. He says that if he does he'll get sent to the principal's office for "talking back" I tell him if you are talking back b/c you are being denied your accommodations or b/c someone if putting you down due to your disability you know I have your back. But he says it's still too scary and too stressful. I don't blame him. *I* get nervous fighting with these people! It's scary for a kid. We did talk to today about having him go to his guidance counselor or the school psych both of whom he likes and feels comfortable with but while we've talked about that it just never seems to pan out right. He never feels like he can just access the counselor (he tried in the past but she runs social skills and classes and she just isn't always there.) So he kind of gave up on that. I don't think he ever tried going to the school psych but she is out on med leave right now so she's not around.

Last edited by Irena; 02/28/14 03:13 PM.