Sounds really good Irena. I think you definitely have their attention.

We were offered something similar when DD was first identified and the district wanted her enrolled in their public rather than lovely little private. They planned to use her as a case study on the need for differentiation. To train on the idea that a kid could need remediation in one area but be on level or ahead in others. It all sounded great and we were told by friends in the district that if she was the case study for it we would be sure she would get anything and everything that she needed. As far as I can tell this training never occurred. Right around the time it was supposedly scheduled is when the horrible principal turned on DD and decided she didn't believe any of this was real. Obviously something went on behind the scenes but we have no idea what.

Last year we had a substitute para who refused to scribe for DD. not quite sure what she thought she was doing there but refused to write anything. Told DD she was lazy and disrespectful for trying to get out of doing her own work and she wouldn't help her with that. DD got very upset and reported it. They had this woman apologize but still had her spend the rest of the day with DD. Later when DD needed a break - I think probably due to the anxiety of being with this woman - who did they have take a walk alone with her? You guessed it. The best I can tell she gave DD some whole guilt trip for reporting her, she needs this job, etc.

No one could defend this woman but all said they really couldn't do anything to prevent this sort of thing. She was hired from a temp agency and had been used before without issue. She would not be assigned to DD again in the future but they could not be sure someone else didn't take the same attitude. Nice...

So you are not alone. Hopefully having gotten their attention (and having a good lawyer in your back pocket) will make things better for your DS. How is he at self advocating? My DD is very assertive and is willing to report things like this. Not all kids are. Maybe he needs some kind of safety code he can use if he won't speak up. For a while in first grade with the awesome teacher we gave DD a sign shaped like an ear. She would place it on her desk if she had something she wanted to tell the teacher - good or bad. I wonder of something like that might help?