Caution. Do not get in a huff over the school's rules. This school may be wonderful or terrible, but it doesn't help to judge what they do on what the "admission counselor" says over the phone. That's when you smile and nod and take notes. (Admission Counselor usually isn't a high level position around here.)

I would reccoment the following procedure.
A) You visit the school and sit in on the classes and observe. If they pass that test, then:
B) You bring DS in to be evaluated and listen to what they have to say.
C) Ask them to let you speak to other Moms of kids who are "similar." Ask a lot of questions.

Do Not let politics or your frustaration with "the system" in general get hooked this early in the process. Each school, each teacher, each admisintrator is different.

It is a shame that there are not tons and tons of choices for our kids. It's not fair. But try to stay very clear about which activity you are engaging in - picking a school or burning your school bus pass. LOL! Both are needed, just not at the same time, see?

Remember - it isn't fair to expect any school to have an pre-written policy regarding kids like yours. It is fair to see if they can notice what your child is like, and start working to create something for them.


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