I spoke with the admission counselor. They are having an Open House in March. I may go and check it out to consider if it would even be worth fighting for. It may not.
There are a couple of Montessori schools that cost half the price we may look at as well. One were have liked (by phone and their website so far) impressed us by saying "most kids" do well by coming their between 2 years 11 months and 3 years 5 months. However, they do a first visit with your child at 2 years and 7 months - interviewing and watching them interact in the class. Then, they speak with the parent about when might be the appropriate age to begin attending. I would much rather someone give an age range and talk about individual readiness rather than the magic "birthday calendar" game. I "think" the right Montessori environment supplemented with paritial homeschooling may be a good fit for our son - but we will see.
I will definitely keep you guys up to date on how the search goes though.