
Your request of this school is perfectly reasonable! I doubt that is really is a gifted school-well I guess that can mean different things to different people. Considering the price and the fact that they call it a �gifted school�, I am suspicious that it really is one that caters to the ego of the parents rather than the needs of the children.

I just posted that my son attended an (expensive) academy when he turned 5. Many highly educated parents sent their kids there and I am certain that the right kind of student at the right age might do very well. It wasn�t the right fit for us though. First, there were no walls. It wasn�t as big a problem as the public school because there wasn�t much group instruction, which was another reason that I didn�t care for it. Additionally, the teacher (and Head Master) that he would have had the following year, did not strike me as someone who actually liked children. Also outdoor recess was usually cancelled because it might rain the following day, so the kids got to sit at their desks and watch animal documentaries on a tiny TV instead! Other parents LOVED this place!

Did you speak to the director or the school secretary? I initially was told by our current school principle that they do not accept early entrance. I called back a couple months later and begged them to meet him. He was early entranced based on their evaluation. I also had S.B. I.Q. test results, but I think those results just helped get their attention and agreement to meet him.