We got DS6 into pre-K early. He is a late Oct. birthday and the cut off is Sept. 1st. Best thing we ever did. He is in 1st grade at a private school, started there in K. It was so much easier to get them to make an exception to take them early since he had already done Pre-K at a different school and proven he fits just fine with older kids.

We did have to push a bit to have the Pre-K school agree to taking him. They did some tests etc. but still, way easier than showing up for K asking thme to take him early without him doing Pre-K first.

Did the same exact thing with DS4.(Late Nov. birthday) This time, much easier due to the history they have with DS6. They know we are not kidding when we say the kids need to be accelerated....:-)

Last edited by 1111; 02/15/14 08:35 PM.