Originally Posted by incogneato
I have had some experience with ADD, ADHD, HG/PG and HG/PG+ADD/ADHD. What I have noticed is that if it is ADD, the medicine will be a noticeable improvement, immediately. In the case of HG/PG if the medication doesn't work, it's probably due to something else. It could be boredom or sensory issues of spectrum type of issue, anxiety, ect. Just being HG/PG can cause anxiety that can manifest in ADHD type of symptoms, like arguing, outbursts, friendship issues etc. If you go the medicine route, you have to be patient and try different doses/meds, but if ultimately you never notice a difference in behavior it's probably not ADHD. Best of luck! It's never easy. :-)

Well, my hubby was convinced it is ADHD, but I am not. Anyway, we did start him on meds over the weekend which is why I've been frantically searching out more information on the internet. IT's hard when you have a teacher saying yes, and then his therapist whom we've been seeing for a year, confirming yes (although in a YEAR, she has never mentioned ADHD- so obviously the symptoms are not in all situations!) Now I feel like I don't trust his therapist, although prior to this Dx, I really liked her.

The pediatrician started him on 20mg of Vyvanse, and it seems to have positive effects on him. He says he likes how he feels on it, can concentrate on "anything he wants to". The confusing part is, my Ped said that even if he doesn't have ADHD, he will still have positive effects from the meds.

I don't want to hurt his spirit; I just want him to have friends and stop being so impulsive with his words and actions.

Our therapist said the reason she dx'd him as ADHD, is based on our answers on the Basc and his performance on a few other tests which I can't remember the names of right now; both of which indicated impulsivity as the main issue, and that is not a characteristic inherent in gifted kids, although the intensity and social issues could be.

Last edited by Trisha; 02/11/14 09:37 AM.