Originally Posted by puffin
Before you do anything else do some research about what he is doing in school academically. You only have to read a few threads here to realise that the so called gifted programme may be just more busywork. It is possible he waited out the first semester for the challenge he was promised then just gave up.

Exactly what I was wondering.

This pattern would repeat itself many times before I wised up to the fact that school was just never going to actually meet my (eager and willing) daughter's needs.

She bore it with reasonable grace each fall, but the wheels tended to come off about November when she had finished reading all of her textbooks and basically extracted what (little) new content there was in the year's curriculum. Then she had nothing to look forward to but another seven months of busy-work and mind-numbing boredom with classmates who seemingly couldn't understand stuff she's known for years.

Not a good situation. She certainly looked both ODD and ADD, believe me, at that point each year. It was actually more like a combination of existential depression and a touch of seasonal affective disorder. Just acknowledging her concerns as valid has gone a long way toward helping the situation.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.