Originally Posted by Melessa
All this makes me remember entering college. I really believed there would be more people like me, who I could talk to and understood me. I became depressed once I realized it was the same people I went to high school with.

It took me a long time to learn to stop looking for a friend who had the same level of thinking and interests as I. Interesting enough, I have tended to date men who were HG+, but also workaholics. My dh is certainly hg, yet because of life experiences, has a healthier work/home balance. Therefore, we are quite well suited.

As I try to understand my boys, I am slowly learning more about myself. Hopefully, that knowledge allows me to support them more effectively than I was.

I LOVE living with intensity!

Yes-- and then when I finally DID meet other HG+ people in grad school...wow did I ever regret spending all those years dumbing down. I felt SO inadequate next to people who knew how to leverage their brains in ways that I didn't. blush

Most of the time, I like living with intensity, too... though it can make long car trips interesting, to say the least. We're all fairly opinionated and volatile.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.