I should probably add that I still feel a little bit idiotic for not realizing earlier why I didn't relate to people all the time, but I think it's party because I'm a little bit of a social chameleon. I can relate to most people on their level, but then feel lonely because they can't relate to me. I felt like I always had to curb myself in company.

Now I've realized I'm lucky to have my DH and a very few close friends who I can REALLY communicate with and I deal with the rest of the outside world on it's terms and we are all much happier.

This is my DD, to a tee. She is a friend to many people. But gradually over the past few years, she has chosen to uninvest in many of those relationships because SHE isn't getting anything at all out of them. It's just time that makes her feel more lonely. She likes BEING liked, all right.

But it's not the same as having a two-way friendship. frown

We're still working to get her to understand that there ARE individuals in the world who can relate to her authentically, and that those relationships are rare and worth cultivating.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.