I would not expect anyone to see anything strange in this, and nobody talks to me about it, but DW reports she's often pulled aside and asked, "Does he always talk like this?" Sometimes people misread it as trying too hard to impress, or just being a demeaning jerk. But DW assures them that, with an eyeroll and a sympathetic smirk, yes, that's how I always talk.

Ha! I get the same thing with regard to my DH. And he is the same - that is always how he speaks...even to his babies.

I also wanted to add regarding sensitivity...truly, I have been extremely emotionally sensitive as far back as I can remember. This is probably where my greatest "gifts" are. My husband says that I can sense where anyone is at emotionally within minutes, sometimes even seconds, and that I can give a pretty accurate prediction of how and when a particular person has been hurt. This has been superb for me professionally. But this "gift" has also literally almost been the death of me when I was younger as I could not handle the horrors of the world. Now that I'm a little older and have more of my sh_t together, this is less of a problem for me. But I still cannot read certain topics in a newspaper for fear that it will cause me too much emotional pain. So, for gifties, I think it is critical that the emotional sensitivity piece be dealt with in effective ways.