Well, you might need a hUG, but I feel rather strongly that what I most need is comMenceMent. Only four more months... only four more months...

In all seriousness, though, all that most students are ever going to actually see of CCSS's lofty and well-considered curricular goals is Pearson's funhouse mirror image of the same.

Well, because that's what they'll be TESTED upon, see. Because Pearson owns SmaRt3r BaLanC3d, now, too:

PARCC, Pearson, and SmarterBalanced (and is it just me, or does "Smarter Balanced" sound SUSPICIOUSLY like a wholesome breakfast cereal??)

A somewhat snarky (but accurate) appraisal of this development.

Pearson's own appraisal, which terms this an "exciting" development. (I'll bet. Exciting primarily for investors, but hey...)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.