We were told by what sounded like a fairly high up Pearson rep at the beginning of the school year (August) that Pearson would not produce any actual textbooks after 2016, so they are definitely going all out digital.

I was also told (in a hush, hush manner) that kids, like my kids, that just get it without necessarily being able to explain how they get it will probably not fair well on the Common Core assessments since everything wants you to explain how you came to that answer. The person that told me is educated more than most on CCSS and was telling me basically to give me a heads up so when things don't turn out the way we expect we understand why.

Does this concern me? Sure does! I have mentioned before and I'll say it again...I think the "idea" of Common Core could be a good one, but what I've seen so far is crap! The Pearson curriculum our district chose is a disaster and some of the CCSS standards are screwy. JMHO!

As a side note...I had a friend sit through a webinar the other day on stress for corrections officers. During this webinar they talked about an evaluation/assessment by Pearson that shows these officers can suffer from something similar to PTSD. Pearson is everywhere and has an answer for everything. Isn't there something about doing one thing very well vs. lots of things not so well.

Sorry for the rant. I'm done....for now.