I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. DD had a teacher in 3rd grade who also was very focused on the negative and seemed to ignore the positive. We tried and tried to help DD get along better in that classroom but basically nothing we tried worked (although we were treading relatively lightly in hopes that 1) that would be enough and 2) the school would let her continue there the following year, with a different and presumably better teacher). So since nothing we did worked (except going to a different school), I guess my advice isn't to be taken too seriously, but I would definitely try to think about how to handle the next meeting and whether it might be helpful to point this stuff out in an indirect way--like, "I'm confused about the ratings because my impression was that DS is doing well in math and spelling." At least you might get some kind of explanation of why she is being so negative, and might be able to figure out something to help DS get along with her better. Although I think this is very difficult to do in a polite and cheerful manner when you think the teacher is being unreasonable. At any rate, it does sound like he is getting work that is challenging to him, which is good--are there any significant consequences to the ratings (such as affecting your DS's ability to remain in the gifted program)? If not, and they're just to let the parents know what the teacher thinks, I might try to not worry about it too much. Good luck, and remember it's February--only about four and a half months until Summer!