What used to be commonly called "writer's block" and was said to come from staring at a fresh blank page was often cured by making a "sloppy copy" or rough draft.

If there is childhood perfectionism or anxiety, there are books which show readers how to free themselves from thought patterns which may not be serving them well. While insightful, these books are written gently for kids, in a style that is fun and engaging. Parents may wish to pre-read and decide if a resource may be a helpful tool for their child.


A book which seems to understand perfectionism very well and which many find supportive is "What To Do When Good Enough Isn't Good Enough". Another book you might like is "Perfectionism: What's Bad About Being Too Good". Here is an article from the Davidson Database, Interview with Thomas Greenspon on Perfectionsim.

Wishing you, your family, and your son all the best with this.