Originally Posted by CoastalMom
You're right, geofizz, thanks. I've now asked that question - I should know by now not to assume if it's in the IEP it's happening. We're IEP newbies! I hadn't stopped to appreciate the general cognitive benefits of that sort of organizational training. We've been working on imposing more order on daily tasks and it will be interesting to see what cross pollination we get.

IEPs take a lot of a parent's attention. The level of complication is such that the parent really does need to pay attention and step in when necessary.

I just carried DS' 504 to a PTC. Not that the teacher was doing anything all that wrong, but we needed to revising the content to tweak DS' course. As a kid that hasn't been taxing the teacher much, she'd kind of lost track of the details. No biggie, and an easy fix.