This summer DS is working on descriptive writing, reducing letter and number reversals, and memorizing math facts.

Some practical bumps he experienced when he switched from K to 1st in March: difficulty opening containers in his lunchbox and making it to the bathroom. It was good to have a few months in first grade to get the kinks worked out smile

As for what to say, I'm not completely comfortable talking about the skip with people but I usually say something like, "DS is really enjoying X grade. It seems to be a much better fit for him." DS is a little awkward with his K friends about the skip. He is a bit of a celebrity to them because he gets to play on the "big" playground. They are always waving and saying "hi." This makes him feel a little shy, but we have talked about how all he needs to do is smile and say "hi" back. And that next year they will be on the big playground with him.