Originally Posted by Rushell
What we struggle mostly with is emotional control, overactive emotions. The ADHD meds - have tried many, none help. Focalin xr for a time helped him focus in school, but he was a MONSTER at home. Lately (and I've taken him OFF the focalin) his teacher has been complaining about DS's inability to focus. She thought everything was great (no problems at all) beginning of the year. Then we removed the focalin (after a huge 3 hour meltdown), and she noticed changes. Without this med, he is generally calm and somewhat "normal" for the first time in years. Occasionally melts down but NOTHING like it was. He will whine or complain when asked to do something, but then does it. Has good days and bad days, but basically like I said, normal. On meds he RAGES. Screams, hits himself, has broken windows and walls, it's utter rage.

Anxious kids often can't handle a stimulant ADHD med because it makes them alert and tense (therefore more anxious); or they can handle it only if combined with an SSRI to control the anxiety. You should talk to the psychiatrist/prescriber about the effect of the meds as a first step.

I would definitely look into someone who can assess the anxiety formally.
