Hello, I am new to the boards.

My son is 10, diagnosed ADHD at age 5 and again at age 8 when retested. Also identified as gifted after a Kindergarten test at school. Academic (or IQ?) testing at age 8 identified him as average-high average except in processing speed, which was low.

Latest testing (last week), he is still in the high average range on most (OLSAT 104/6 and NNAT 108/6). I questioned why he is in the G/T program. His gifted and talented teacher made the following comments about his scores: "I believe that he is dealing with some struggles at this time that may have impacted his testing. For example, on the OLSAT test, he did well on the questions that he answered, but missed several because he was not able to finish all the problems in the allotted time. This may be due to his ADHD, the time of day I administered the test, if something had upset him prior to coming to see me, etc."

SO - as I always expected, DS is very bright, and identified as gifted, but also has some issues like I personally do (I am ADHD with generalized anxiety disorder). Saying we are a LOT alike is a very true observation!

Now I'm spending hours researching but don't feel I'm getting anywhere.

Bottom line is this - I need to find someone who specializes in ADHD AND giftedness in kids (the 2e kids); just not sure how to find these people!

What we struggle mostly with is emotional control, overactive emotions. The ADHD meds - have tried many, none help. Focalin xr for a time helped him focus in school, but he was a MONSTER at home. Lately (and I've taken him OFF the focalin) his teacher has been complaining about DS's inability to focus. She thought everything was great (no problems at all) beginning of the year. Then we removed the focalin (after a huge 3 hour meltdown), and she noticed changes. Without this med, he is generally calm and somewhat "normal" for the first time in years. Occasionally melts down but NOTHING like it was. He will whine or complain when asked to do something, but then does it. Has good days and bad days, but basically like I said, normal. On meds he RAGES. Screams, hits himself, has broken windows and walls, it's utter rage. During the 3 hour meltdown I listened to what he was screaming and basically it's like he holds it ALL together during the day then basically "throws up" all he has been holding onto (sitting still when he aches so badly to move, being quiet when his thoughts are running crazy through his head) on me (mom) wink Gotta love that.

ANYWAY - during his first several years of life I was undiagnosed and my head was definitely unclear. I just wanted someone or something to "fix" my child. DS and I butted heads a LOT. So I made a lot of things worse. My head is now clear, and I understand medication is not a cure. I just want something to help my child. If meds, ok, but if these are NOT going to benefit him, I don't want them!! Like I said no meds at home, I have a very loving, normal (and sometimes over-intelligent to the fact he confuses me - and I've always been pretty bright myself yet not gifted) child who can ACCEPT the rules and our decisions (unlike before). And oh btw - also has been diagnosed as ODD by his last psychiatrist.

I would also like for someone to take a look at possible anxiety issues. He thinks and worries about things ALL the time. Sleep issues is another problem.

He is currently on abilify (which I don't know if its helping emotions or not, he seems to have a meltdown every evening a couple hours after taking this) and trazadone to help him sleep.

Sorry this was SO VERY LONG. I just felt the need to explain some of our issues so maybe someone can lead me in the right direction. Like I said I've read books, done hours and HOURS of research on 2e, giftedness, adhd, finding the right professional, you name it. I'm just incredibly overwhelmed with ALL the information and don't know where to turn.

Thanks in advance!!

AND - we are in the north TX area, Tarrant county, if that helps.
