It is possible for kids to pretend not to be smart and underachieve and seem to blend in. But mostly they still don't feel like they fit in and they are still smart. They do the equivalent of painting their face white etc. It doesn't really fool anyone who knows them well and doesn't make anyone happier in the long run. I had a friend who responded to personal comments in kind - if someone said "do you think it is time to get your hair cut" and he would tell them they needed to go on a diet. I wouldn't recommend that though. Remind her too that a lot of very tall people get thoroughly sick of it being commented on.

Yes darling you are different but later you may be glad of it. The funny thing is I'm not entirely sure ds6 has noticed. He knows he is better at maths than the rest of the class and one of the best readers. I deliberately didn't help him with spelling but he still was in the top group at the end of the year. He will probably notice more this year I think.

Last edited by puffin; 01/18/14 07:59 PM.