My son is seven and I plan to check in regularly, even if we do get it all figured out! It's so helpful to hear from "been there, done that" parents. We've already had to switch schools, be educational advocates, and try to sort out asynchronous development (by far the hardest thing for us to deal with).

Kids in the 140+ range are rare, and it's difficult to talk about their needs and accomplishments without alienating other parents. We haven't gotten far in elementary education, but I can sympathize and provide some of my own experiences to help parents with very young, gifted children. It's hard when a child is emotionally and intellectually far out of sync.

Maybe I can help someone and maybe when my DS is older and we're dealing with mine craft addiction, underachievement, or hormonal unpleasantness--or however he chooses to challenge me, I can use this site for insight and reassurance that "this too shall pass."