Sadly my DD experienced the same thing. And I responded. Every. Single. Time.

I filed complaints with the state Dept of Ed and with the superintendent. I raised the issue and quoted the ignorant buffoons at every IEP meeting. I brought it up over and over in every possible conversation. I created a situation which made the district want to deal with the inappropriate behavior rather than deal with me. It was indefensible and they knew it.

It really does create a hostile educational environment and it is totally unacceptable. Somehow the people who treat our kids this way have received a message that its ok. Well it's not ok. In our case the environment was created by a horrible, unqualified principal. She believed that DD was just indulged and lazy and that attitude was made clear to the staff. I have been told that with a change in principal the whole environment of the school has changed. Even with the same staff in place apparently this kind of thing would not happen because of the welcoming, supportive environment the new principal has created.

I would document, document, document and definitely have your lawyer use some of that retainer money to send a letter to the district. Put them on notice that this is unacceptable, that your child is being discriminated against because of a documented disability and that you will take action against the district if it continues. Address it in the IEP and set up a means by which doing it is an(other) IEP violation.

These adults are bullying a child. A disable child. It is not acceptable and has to stop. I mean it HAS to stop. No other option.

Sorry to come across so harsh but this is a very sore spot with me. People who did this almost destroyed my DD. I can't even begin to tell you what a difference it is having her in a supportive placement that *gets* her. She is not lazy, trying to get out of her work or overindulged. She, like your son, is a smart, sensitive kid who has more than her share of challenges. How dare these people make their already difficult situations more difficult? Really - how dare they?