I truly do not understand why it is such an issue for teachers, para-professionals and aids to keep their disparaging remarks about my son's disabilities to themselves. He knows that his disabilities are an annoyance to all, the message has been received a number of times now, loud and clear.

If teachers and staff do not have something helpful, supportive and constructive to say to help DS when they see him struggling then then they should keep quiet. How hard is that? Why do they feel the need to shame? Do they actually think that motivates a 2nd grader with a learning difference? Every year there are numerous comments by paras and teachers putting my son down for his disability. I seriously could understand if it's acting-out/disruptive behavior like hitting, carrying-on, being out of control,etc... but he gets put down for not moving fast enough, not being able to write, not being able to write like the other children, not having good fine motor skills... I mean, really, is that necessary? This has been going on since kindergarten ... It doesn't matter that we have an IEP, a medical diagnosis - it still happens every year several times. It really honestly and truly feels like we are not wanted. Like my son never does anything right. ever. I know it's probably not purposeful but if I am depressed about it and I have a knot in my stomach and tears behind my eyes - how does my poor son feel.