Ugh. So here we go again. The idea of meeting with these people and the principal makes my stomach turn. (I know that's bad) They say they want strategies and such but the meetings usually end up with them resisting my suggestions, ykim? I know I shouldn't pre-judge but after last year... Ugh. I seriously find myself realizing this is a good idea - i.e., calling a meeting to brainstorm, maybe even an iep mtg... but when I actually think about doing it my stomach goes in knots and I get seriously phobic about the Pandora's box I may unleash. I fear they are not REALLY gonna want to hear me suggest more work for them and more scribing/writing accommodation support. If they wanted real solutions they would have brainstormed with me at the p/t conference. They were more like "he doesn't pay any attention, what are you gonna do about it as it will eventually affect his grades." Instead of "what can we do at school to help with this." When I inquired about 'engagement' and such I was shut down.

As I think about it, part of me feels like since DS is happy and the only ones seemingly unhappy are the teachers I should just leave well enough alone... Continue on with getting the private adhd eval in the meantime and see what happens next year. He is still super high in math and reading ... The other stuff, apart from writing I suppose, are not real grades anyway.

And so what if we get an adhd dx , what then? Do they start doing more to help? Or do they just blame everything on adhd and throw up their hands until we experiment with meds?

Ugh. Sorry, just thinking out loud as the realization of having to meet with these people again to solve "a problem" sinks in...

Last edited by Irena; 12/23/13 09:54 PM.