Originally Posted by ElizabethN
Yes, my experience is that no one gets a 4 in the first trimester in elementary school unless they're doing college-level work, and maybe not then.

Case in point: DS 7 is partially homeschooled. He is doing chemistry at home using a high school text. He is sometimes present at school during science time. If he is there on a test day, he will take their test. Always gets 100%+ (as he gets extra credit for doodling orbitals for various elements for example). The teacher rated DS "at grade level" (2nd grade) and he got the equivalent of a B- on his report card.

Report cards mean nothing at the elementary level for HG kids (in general ed environments). In fact we told the school that we didn't need one for DS but they felt the need to create one. If it makes them happy I am not going to get in the way!

Last edited by somewhereonearth; 12/16/13 09:02 PM.