Hmmm...Interesting. So maybe now I'm overplanning, and my feeling that I was pretty much unprepared this past year may have been wrong, huh?

Good input. I do tend to be a seat-of-the-pants sort of person. Even when I was teaching, I tended to lay out my syllabus only in the broadest terms and then follow good discussions as they arose. I've been feeling that as a homeschooler, I should be working against my natural (i.e. lazy) impulses more than I did last year. But maybe that's not so.


So let me ask you this, Lorel and Erika (and anyone else, for that matter!): how focused are you on goals for learning? What I mean is, do you have non-content specific skills goals that you aim for your kids to achieve? Or are you more casual about it than that?

I'm still trying to figure out just what makes the most sense for us. You'd think that after a year, I'd be more confident in my abilities. It seems that because I had no time to dither and worry last year, but had no choice but to dive right in to HSing, I apparently saved all my dithering and worrying up for this year! smile
