Ds had a 35 point spread between PRI and Processing speed. We were worried too and had further testing done. he was diagnosed with ADHD coupled with Anxiety. The anxiety made his ADHD worse. He wasnt prescribed any medication. The psychologist suggested counselling for anxiety and said that might have affected his scores.
His teachers have not noticed the ADHD and are often surprised when I tell them about it. Though a few have noticed that it takes him awhile to come up with answers when called upon in class.His hand is raised when the question is asked but he stumbles over words and has to repeat a few words. He does that home too when he is excited about something and has all this crazy wonderful ideas that his brain is thinking up - we have to remind him to slow down and breathe and then he does much better.

Last edited by rachsr; 12/03/13 09:51 AM.