
Help.. !

So confused...

Our 7 yr old was just tested as gifted but very slow processing.. like VERY slow.. his GIA was severely compromised bc of his processing score... but the Ed Psych still said he was a perfect candidate for ODS due to his reasoning score.

The difference between his highest score and lowest was 49 points ! that's 3 SD isn't it ?

Should we take him to a psych to test for Dyspraxia or (inattentive) ADD?

What are some other causes of slow processing speed?

Someone told me that it is bc they are simply thinking too many things over at once when gifted! That an answer isn't as simple as black and white so they literally have too much info going on?

What can I do to help him ? the huge difference is a worry.

We also have another HG older son.. but his processing is in the 99.8th percentile.. so this is all new to us.. and very scary ! I want to do what is right for him.. but also know that telling the school to focus on his (dis) ability will simply make him MORE bored and disillusioned with school frown

The Ed Psych did little in her recommendations to help except tell us to give him cards with pictures to get him used to a routine in the morning ! which he doesn't need.. he is no different to any other child in terms of routine or getting out the door or following instructions... he simply takes longer to process academic info or questions... he is perfectly able in all other areas of attention and focus... he can sit and do a 100 piece puzzle till its finished etc ... spend ages looking up the theory of evolution of animals.. or watching a documentary...

Please help ! and thank you !