GHS, what is it about the Great Red Spot? DD couldn't get enough of it but I too struggled with finding resources on Jupiter. She got frustrated and eventually moved onto human anatomy. I'd love to find a program that would be much like a virtual field trip to Jupiter and many of its moon. Sorry I really don't have any suggestions. frown

I'm glad to hear that your DD loves her Plan Toys dollhouse. I wanted the same one for the module factor but DD really wants the other Plan Toys dollhouse with a red and blue window panes. It makes sense that DD who spends a lot of time being a fairy or an animal these days prefers plain ones over frilly girly dollhouse that cannot be anything else. She might have to wait until her 4th birthday for this though. Setting up a dollhouse with furniture is expensive!

I've been looking into a play tent/fort/teepee and given how she's always building her nest/fort/cave/castle/fairy home with pillows and cushions. I was looking into Magic Fort but they are sold out for the season. Toydle fort seems to be an alternative. Anyone has either of these?

ETA: Toydle shipping is rather high. We'd have to get Magic Fort for her when they are back in stock on Amazon come January with free shipping. I never thought I'd experience this holiday shopping angst. Part of being a parent, I suppose.

Last edited by Mana; 12/02/13 04:09 PM.