Originally Posted by ultramarina
Anyone have this?


Considering it as a joint gift for my two builders (9 and 5, will be 10 and 6 in early spring).

Yes, we got it a few years ago, I believe. It was not the hit I had hoped, but it is possible my 2 were nearing the end of that type of building age-wise. It is very open-ended, meaning the possibilities for structures are pretty much endless, but my two didn't do much with it. Perhaps they needed more in the way of suggestions (I think there is a small booklet in the package with some models and tips for different types of building, but it was pretty limited). I do recall that the lure of building marble-run type things was great, but the set was quite finicky- very easy to knock down structures, and you had to align things pretty carefully. My two are perfectionists, and quite good at building, but I found this set being used as supports or "filler" for their other sets. However, as I mentioned, it may be that my kids were moving beyond this type of play- it's certainly nice quality and I thought it would get a lot of use.