My DD (almost 4) is very very into satellites, how cell towers work, and the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. No matter what info I look up on Jupiter's storm she says that that is not enough & she wants more. I told her I don't think that we know anymore about it since no one can go to it. We have watched You Tube videos, tried to read articles about it, ect. Always "not enough" and wants "more". Does anyone have any other resources or ideas of where to find info on this?
Any present suggestions for these areas of interest?
So far she is getting a ton of books (on fairies, pinkalicious, ect. which she LOVES) & craft supplies.

Also... for the child who wants the solid wooden doll house (I'm not talking about the 9yo who wants a Barbie Dream house… I would say definitely get that for her - 9yo is not too old!):

Solid wooden dollhouses can be absolutely beautiful and can leave everything up to the imagination which my DD also prefers. She may be wanting to imagine it pink and frilly one day and quaint and cottagy the next. Here are some beautiful (yet also some expensive) ones. You can find some very very cool hand-made ones on etsy too:

Nova Natural (I wish we could get this one!!!):

Melissa and Doug (most affordable):

Etsy (lots of options):

Plan Toy (the one we have and DD loves):

Edited to add: Pottery Barn Kids also has some insanely beautiful and simple dollhouses (expensive of course): here is a link to one of them...

Last edited by GHS; 12/01/13 09:11 PM.