We have the exact opposite problem! Our state's cut off is Dec 1, and DD cannot start K until 5.5 at a public school - no exceptions in our district.

She is going to graduate all day K-Prep this year (at a private pre-school) and they have no levels higher prior to K. She's the youngest in the class & no one would ever know it size/language or ability-wise. So, we've been looking at starting her in private school for K and then (possibly) moving her to our local charter school for 1st grade. We have an evaluation day set up with all 3 private schools in our area to try to find the right fit! I mean, the one that we like best is BY FAR the most costly, has the longer school days/year and we have to see at which level they'd evaluate her (she is going in on 12/11 for a 1.5 hour class level evaluation & to see if she is their "material" - 7 page application for K, it's a little nuts!). We have the Montessori, which seems great, but then I've got a friend who had a terrible experience, so I am worried about that too! Then finally, we have the one that falls in between the two (grouped classrooms of 2-grade levels & extended school day/year), that we know nothing about aside from their website so far!

Choosing a school is SO difficult, and I honestly expected we'd have more time (at least a year) before we had to make the decisions. The part that is a bit frustrating is that even if she does get into the K program at one of these schools, she isn't eligible for busing until she is of the district's "School Age", so we have a year of figuring out transportation as well!

On a different note - my daughter does draw bodies coming out of the head, but the heads all have eyes with pupils that are almond shaped, eyebrows, nostrils varying hairstyles, ears and even teeth when they are smiling, she adds bodies as an after thought!