We are moving to a new state mid-year that basically doesn't have a gifted program. It sort of has a lame excuse for one (2hrs a week starting in 2nd grade).

We are going through the process of trying to decide on what to do with DD next year (fall of 2014). She makes the public school cut off (by days) to start K at 4.5 next year. The private schools however have the typical cut off of June 30 so if we went the private school route she would be 5.5 before entering K (with 1/2 the kids older, 1/2 younger).

Private school in our new state is ridiculously expensive. We can do it, but not without having to seriously weigh pros & cons.

I think either way she will be ahead (reading very well and better than most 1st graders. She's suddenly become great at math - which I credit to her obsession with building. She is also writing quite well for a 3 -almost 4- yo. She writes little stories and signs to post around the house, a "responsibility" chart for her 1yo sister (ha!) and notes ect. She never spells anything correct unless she asks but in general you can decipher it.)

The private schools are apparently crazy good, very small classrooms, very successful graduates. But one pre-K teacher was telling us about "MAT man" from handwriting without tears & said "they will learn to draw a person with the arms coming out of the body rather than the head!" DD never drew the body coming out of the head (ok once when she was 1 1/2) and draws incredibly detailed princesses with crowns, tiaras, wands, tutu's ect. So that wasn't too impressive but that school also focuses on science & creative learning which DD loves. The other private school we are considering she is actually attending starting in Jan & is a Montessori school (she has been in Monti so I think the transition will be easier since we are moving mid-year). Just because she is in the Montessori school this spring doesn't mean we will keep her there in the fall (school is a long commute & very expensive... class size per year also dwindles to like 14 kids in each grade by 1st grade - which to me could seem claustrophobic after many years).

Anyway, I know we need to visit schools, ask around, ect. But in general, what are your initial views/thoughts? I think it will be helpful just to hear outside opinions.