Does the school just use CogAT as a screen? Will they take the Q subtest score that is well above-average? Are your DD's age-normed scores perhaps higher than grade-normed scores?

Some schools appear to take decent subtest scores. Our school uses the CogAT V+Q composite as a screen, and the student needs a 120 SAS or above. Then your DC gets to take more tests. wink

For the record, I'm personally not a fan of cut scores for single tests with young children (um, do children under 10, even the brightest of them, REALLY not have "off-days"???). I'd rather have them really LOOK at/evaluate all of the data available (I realize the desire for objectivity, but some of these tests are flawed/imperfect).

Your DD also may be one of those kids who does a spectacular job on the WISC - go with your gut, and don't give up!