So today we get the Cogat results. So curious but very skeptical it is the best tool and resigned that in the spring we need to do private testing regardless. Also beginning to second guess myself. Is dd6 really *that* gifted? She seems to be leveling out and looking more like a regular bright first grader. (which is fine if that is what she is--I just don't want to deprive her of more of a challenge if she needs it). And prob. because I let her watch too much TV and she is mathy/sciencey and we are not and so she doesn't get to do all of the great stuff that other parents on here seem to be doing with their kids. It would be nice though if Cogat were high enough that I could argue school should do further testing to complete IAS. Will update later.

Last edited by deacongirl; 11/11/13 12:06 PM.