so with you on this, Wren - like everything, it depends on the kid. i was the youngest in my grade (sadly, in a program without hope of acceleration) and my friends still turned out to be university-age when i was in high school. interestingly, they never pressured me at all - though i definitely remember pressuring THEM about voting! i'm sure my mother wasn't overly thrilled about my much older boyfriends, but they really were very decent young men and she raised me to know my boundaries.

my kid is the same - only 5, but all her true friends are older, already - so whether we'd left her with age peers in school or done our multiple homeschooling grade skip, she'd still be mainly hanging out with kids who will move on to pointe class three years before her feet will be old enough. it probably looks weird from the outside, but they're the right friends for her right now.

what goes around comes around, i guess! (shudder)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.