So... For I've got 2 kiddos... DS9 (PDD-NOS, ADHD, Anxiety & gifted) and DD 8 (major ADHD, possibly dyslexia, possibly gifted). Every single morning in my house, it's like it's the first morning my two kids have ever had to get ready for school. If I am not standing over them directing them, they will seriously just sit around reading, or playing or petting the dogs. Like, completely in la-la land. I'm rapidly losing my patience with them in the mornings. I have to get myself ready for work as well! I wake them up a full hour before we have to leave... all they have to do is get dressed, eat breakfast, make sure their stuff is in their backpacks and put on their socks and shoes.. DS9 also packs his lunch (his choice.)

Today they may have been tardy... I seriously threw up my hands. I put my stuff in the car and sat out in the driveway and just waited for them to come out on their own. I had zero energy left to give them. I am pretty sure my son's lunch is some apple sauce, a bag of chips and some beef jerky... Not nearly enough for the day. Both kids were in a foul mood and let me know I'm mean and they hate me. *sigh* DS also didn't do his homework last night.

They are both going to be grounded from their laptops for their rude behavior towards me, but what the heck do I do about morning times! They are terrible about getting ready every morning! I have to stick my head out every 5 minutes while I'm getting ready to tell them "get dressed" "eat your breakfast" "leave the dog alone and put your bowl up" "where are your socks? please go get them" "did you put your folder in your backpack?" "Why don't you have clean pants on? Please go get CLEAN pants" etc, etc, etc. It's starting to feel like herding cats!

Give me your tips and advice please!! I felt terrible this morning dropping them off at school with them both in a bad mood!
