Originally Posted by NikiHarp
It is clear that there is a disconnect and you all have offered some fantastic ideas. I want it to be clean and easy. If it's ADHD, fine. Let's deal with it and move on. Obviously, that's not the way this works. I'm tired and I feel the journey has just begun.

I understand. So little seems to be clean and easy in our own journey. I do wonder whether the learning environment is just not a good fit based on what you've shared. He's six. Maybe he's just not ready to write as quickly as his mind works. Maybe he sees that the worksheets are so easy that the effort seems meaningless. These are experiences some of us have lived through/live through with our own children. It is possible that there is a LD at play. But be mindful of the tendency of many educators to want to find a label to fit their own perspective, rather than dig deeper to find the truth.