As a follow-up, today I got approached by the head GT teacher/Math specialist and she told me that she would be meeting with DS6 2 to 3 times a week for 30mins for math. She was very excited about the things that she would work with him on but said that they wold try not to introduce much new content. Not sure how I feel about that but we'll see. I received this email today from another of the GT teachers...


I wanted to let you know what we came up with at our math meeting yesterday.

We talked as a math team about how best to address stretching DS. We are so excited that Mrs. Teacher made time in her schedule to plan and implement a challenging set of lessons and skills targeted so nicely for the needs of DS. With Mrs. Teachers extensive background in GT and GT math, she has a plethora of ideas to be sure that DS's needs are met. It was fortunate that we had a few teachers in the meeting who know DS and his needs well. We are all confident think that the logic, reasoning and problem solving will be just right for DS and serve him very well for his entire educational experience.

Thank you so much, Mrs. Teacher! We all look forward to seeing DS stretched and met appropriately.

Last edited by Eibbed; 10/02/13 06:51 PM.