My DS seems to be the classic "type 3" in that article, with Einstein Syndrome as well (although he is dyspraxic, so that could explain his delayed speech development).

He's never had a fascination with books or letters, but started reading early. One day I printed out a list of sight words from K-third grade and was shocked that he could read almost all of them, despite never being taught them. He was reading well at 4 and in kindergarten reading chapter books, despite hardly ever reading or practicing at home. It was like he magically absorbed the reading process.

I would love to know what the IQ profile is of such kids. DS is high on non-verbal ability (140's), and he was recently given a visual perception test and got a perfect score on visual memory and visual spatial ability. The test was meant for adults as well as kids and he still got perfect scores in those categories. I wonder if the hyperlexia is related to seeing patterns in phonics, or memorizing whole words, or what.

We have been worried abut autism since he was a toddler. He had lots of words but wasn't putting them together in phrases til 2.5. He didn't point to anything til 18 months. Then he started a phase where he meowed like a cat more than talked. He ran around on his toes and flapped his arms. His voice has always had an odd pitch/prosody. Now I know these things can be related to his dyspraxia, and there is an overlap between ASD symptoms and dyspraxia symptoms. As he is getting older (now 6) we have been seeing less and less of the autistic-like features and he is getting a lot more social and outgoing.