Originally Posted by HappilyMom
Okay here is my letter very much taken from HK and MON's suggestions. Am I good here or would you make additional edits? I really am grateful for everyone's feedback here. It is so helpful for me.

This is to inform you that as of September 16, 2013, our child, DS will be withdrawing from attendance at Elementary.

We really appreciate your efforts on behalf of my DS, educating your staff on his needs related to his disabilities. Despite everyone's best efforts, in the absence of a working IEP in the classroom, DS' lack of accommodations for disabilities has resulted in an unacceptable situation where DS is unable to access the curriculum without significant harm.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow our DS to continue in Ms. x classroom since without accommodations for his disabilities it is a hostile learning environment. We look forward to working with you again in the future, and again, thank you for all your efforts on DS' behalf.
I have followed your struggles with your school system and feel for you. I myself went through a bad advocacy sitaution for my DS last year.
When I did end up pulling my son out of PS this year, a few of the friends IRL who had waged advocacy wars against the local school system told me that if there is reasonable proof that a teacher was harming your child in some way, it is within your rights to ask for a transfer to another classroom. Just retain a lawyer with a history of taking on the school district and send a notice to the principal that you might take legal action if things were not fixed. Same is the case for an IEP not being followed or your child's disablities (which were confirmed by a medical professional) were not being accomodated.
Since you have reached a point where advocacy is not working to your satisfaction, and if you really think that another teacher might make things better for your child and an IEP being followed would help, you may want to consider this option before you withdarw your child from school. Ofcourse if you are committed to homeschooling for the long term, then this principal and teachers are not going to be part of your life for a long time - in that case, go ahead and send in your lettter. Good luck.

ETA: Don't worry about hurting the feelings of the people at school etc. They are doing a sloppy job for you - it is your child who is being hurt. My friend who sent legal notice to the school is a local hero because he stood up for his DD against a really uncooperative school administration. The school is very compliant with all her needs now because they don't want to spend $$$ on lawsuits in this age of drastic budget cuts.

Last edited by ashley; 09/16/13 10:03 AM.